by Mama Wellness | Individual, Mental Health
Anxiety is the general term for a number of psychiatric disorders that lead to nervousness, apprehension, fear, and worrying. Anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder are associated with fear and worry that is...
by Mama Wellness | Couples & Relationships, Individual, Mental Health
Anyone who has lived with a depressed or anxious partner knows that such emotions are contagious. And this is now backed by hard science. According to a recent study, conducted by the Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, even the sight of a friend in distress...
by Mama Wellness | Children & Family, Mental Health
Death is one of the most important truths in this world, and to withhold it from children is not going to help, no matter how pure the intention. Then again, kids understand death and grieve differently than adults, so it takes the right approach to make sure the...
by Mama Wellness | Children & Family, Mental Health
When most people think of depression, they envision a person who’s hopeless, tearful, and withdrawn. Although these are signs often seen in adult depression, a depressed child or teenager may manifest their depression quite differently – in the form irritability and...
by Mama Wellness | Massage Therapy
Back pain is common during pregnancy, because the extra weight stresses the back and the hips. As women come close to term, they may experience back pain as often as every day. While many women are reluctant to take pain medication while they are pregnant, there are...
by Mama Wellness | Health & Lifestyles
It seems like every school year is the same: as soon as the classes begin, colds, stomach flus, sore throats and head lice start running rampant among school children. Teaching your child a few healthy tricks will make it easier to avoid all of the germs their...